Quick Reviews: January 8 – 14

The second week of January was a little slower than the first, but then, it’s kind of hard to maintain a streak of one book a day.  I did read something a little meatier and slower than last week, and I managed to watch a couple of movies while I was alternating a weekend full of work and dog-sitting.  So all in all, not too shabby of a week.

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  • The Kids in the Hall: One Dumb Guy by Paul Myers
    • I have loved the Kids in the Hall since I was a kid myself – the reruns of their show would air on Comedy Central when I was a wee tot and I was instantly entranced by characters like the Chicken Lady, Mr. Tyzik (who would crush heads with his fingers from afar – I still do this to this day), and Simon and Hecubus.  Sure, I was probably a bit too young for quite a bit of the show, but it imprinted on me nevertheless, and I’ve remained fans of all the Kids from that moment forward. So this was a great book for me, full of interviews with all of the Kids, their friends and comedy collaborators across the years, and all the others who were present for their rise.  I always kind of thought of the Kids as my own personal comedy secret – it seems like a lot of my friends never saw them back in the day.  But this book shows that the Kids were a lot of people’s comedy secret, and that they had far more influence and impact than maybe even they would have thought.  Such a fun read, full of so much insight and introspection.  And I especially love how it ended.

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  • How the Dukes Stole Christmas by Tessa Dare, Sarah MacLean, Sophie Jordan, Joanna Shupe
    • I adore Tessa Dare, so I knew I had to check out this collection if only for her.  I also really like Sarah MacLean, so I figured I’d at least enjoy half of the book.  But I ended up liking it all pretty well! Of course my girl Tessa was my favorite – the novella was the perfect little morsel, featuring one snowy walk at night.  The two crazy kids at the center of this one were pretty damn adorable – I especially loved Louisa, with her brash opinions and sharp wit.

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