Book Flicks: Crazy Rich Asians

Awwww yeah.

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I’ve been waiting to watch this movie.  Unfortunately for me, my life was so crazy busy, that I missed it in theaters.  So needless to say, I was waiting with baited breath for it to be released on DVD.  And then the hectic holidays happened and I wasn’t able to carve out any time to watch it… until now.

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And MAN.  It was worth the wait.  Holy crap I loved this movie.  Director Jon M. Chu brought the world of the book to life on the screen, and I was instantly transported with the use of colors, the glitz and glam of the fashion, the opulence… it was bananas.  This film was so much fun to watch solely for the gloriousness on the screen, and the truly lovely performances.

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Michelle Yeoh is a goddamn superstar, and she shows this in this film.  She’s so precise, so perfect as the character… she’s amazing.  Constance Wu could not be more luminous, more lovely… you totally understand why Nick loves Rachel so much.  Speaking of Nick, good lord Henry Golding is a star.  He is a modern day Cary Grant, a suave and sweet morsel of a man.  Gemma Chan might be one of the most beautiful and engaging actors currently working, Awkwafina is a goddamn delight and a half… I don’t have enough good things to say about the cast.  I loved and adored every single one of them.

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This film had it all – a great and believably lovely romance, humor and jokes to play off of the more serious and heartwrenching moments, INCREDIBLE MUSIC oh my god I am obsessed with the cover of Yellow in this film.  (Also Kina Grannis during the epic wedding scene? Amazeballs.)  Seriously, if you love a good romance movie, this is one to not miss.  It’s fun, it’s stunning to look at, there are so many hot people in this movie, good lord the abs alone.

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Crazy Rich Asians might just be one of the most enjoyable times I’ve had watching a movie in ages.  It was that goddamn good.  Just… yes to this film.  Yes yes yes.  Watch it.  You won’t regret it.

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