I Know What I Read This January 2020

Oh yeah. Let's kick this year off right. I managed to finish up the year of 2019 with one of, if not the highest, reading years yet. I read a bunch of fantastic books, finished a couple of series, and was bound and determined to kick off 2020 and turn it into the most fantastic... Continue Reading →

I Know What I Read This December 2019

Well. Here we are. I think 2019 may have been one of my most successful reading years over all. I know I read a great volume of books this past year (150 in total) but I know I read quite a lot of quality books. So many that I loved incredibly and influenced my life... Continue Reading →

Quick Reviews: April 16 – 22

This slow train is gonna just keep chug-chug-chugging down the track. Something about the month of April has completely removed my ability to read quickly or in abundance.  I can actively feel myself struggling to pick up a book - it might be due to the weird weather fluctuations we've had recently, including a new... Continue Reading →

Quick Reviews: April 9 – 15

Another slow week, this time hampered by an extra-long work week and the return of Game of Thrones, of which I ended up watching a bunch of episodes I had already seen since my brother and sister are getting caught up. I can't believe there are only a couple of Thrones episodes left y'all -... Continue Reading →

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